All OIG Reports

Compliance Review of FHFA's Implementation of its Consumer Communications Procedures COM-2016-005 2016-07-14
Compliance Review of Federal Home Loan Bank Fraud Reporting to FHFA COM-2017-002 2017-01-24
Compliance Review of FHFA’s Revised Process for Reviewing the Enterprises’ Annual Operating Budgets COM-2017-006 2017-09-19
Compliance Review of FHFA’s Review Process for Transfers of Enterprise Mortgage Servicing Rights COM-2018-001 2018-02-26
Update on FHFA’s Implementation of its Revised Procedures for Overseeing the Enterprises’ Single-Family Mortgage Underwriting Standards and Variances COM-2018-003 2018-03-27
Compliance Review of FHFA’s Process for Making Changes to Conservatorship Scorecard Targets COM-2018-004 2018-06-20
Compliance Review of FHFA’s Communication of Serious Deficiencies to the Enterprises’ Boards of Directors COM-2018-005 2018-09-05
FHFA’s Housing Finance Examiner Commissioning Program: $7.7 Million and Four Years into the Program, the Agency has Fewer Commissioned Examiners COM-2018-006 2018-09-06
Compliance Review of the Content and Communication of the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Reports of Examination to the Enterprises’ Boards of Directors COM-2019-001 2019-01-03
Compliance Review of FHFA's Suspended Counterparty Program COM-2019-002 2019-01-25
Compliance Review of FHFA Assessments of MRA Remediation Plans Submitted by the Enterprises COM-2019-003 2019-02-13
FHFA's Oversight of the Asset Quality of Multifamily Housing Loans Financed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac AUD-2013-004 2013-02-21
Compliance Review of FHFA's Office of Minority and Women Inclusion COM-2019-005 2019-06-24
FHFA's Controls to Detect and Prevent Improper Payments AUD-2013-005 2013-02-28
FHFA’s Oversight of Troubled Federal Home Loan Banks EVL-2012-001 2012-01-11
Evaluation of FHFA’s Management of Legal Fees for Indemnified Executives EVL-2012-002 2012-02-22
Case Study: Freddie Mac's Unsecured Lending to Lehman Brothers Prior to Lehman Brothers' Bankruptcy EVL-2013-03 2013-03-14
FHFA’s Supervision of Freddie Mac’s Controls over Mortgage Servicing Contractors AUD-2012-001 2012-03-07
FHFA’s Controls to Detect and Prevent Improper Payments AUD-2012-002 2012-03-09
FHFA’s Oversight of Fannie Mae’s Single-Family Underwriting Standards AUD-2012-003 2012-03-22
FHFA Can Enhance Its Oversight of FHLBank Advances to Insurance Companies by Improving Communication with State Insurance Regulators and Standard-Setting Groups AUD-2013-006 2013-03-18
FHFA’s Supervisory Framework for Federal Home Loan Banks’ Advances and Collateral Risk Management AUD-2012-004 2012-06-01
FHFA's Oversight of the Federal Home Loan Banks' Unsecured Credit Risk Management Practices EVL-2012-005 2012-06-28
FHFA's Call Report System AUD-2012-006 2012-07-19
Enhanced FHFA Oversight Is Needed to Improve Mortgage Servicer Compliance with Consumer Complaint Requirements AUD-2013-007 2013-03-21