All OIG Reports

DER Satisfied Procedural Requirements When Planning Its Supervision of CSS for the 2023 Examination Cycle COM-2024-007 2024-06-18
Inspection: FHFA’s Inclusion of a Mandatory Anti-Gag Provision in Its Non-Disclosure Materials During the Review Period COM-2024-008 2024-06-18
Inspection: FHFA’s Oversight of Enterprise Fraud Risk Management COM-2024-005 2024-03-28
FHFA Has Acted to Strengthen Its Oversight of Federal Home Loan Bank Members’ Compliance with Community Support Requirements (Inspection) COM-2024-001 2024-01-10
The Fair Lending Examination Program Was Implemented in Accordance with Policies and Procedures, But Guidance Needs Improvement AUD-2024-005 2024-05-08
DBR Performed Quality Control Reviews of All Substantive Workpapers Prepared by Examiners-in-Charge During the Review Period COM-2024-006 2024-04-23
FHFA’s Analysis of Credit Score Models Was Consistent with Applicable Requirements but the Agency Could Improve Its Process and Enhance the Level of Detail in Its Decision Record EVL-2024-002 2024-03-28
DBR Conducted Effective Oversight of the FHLBanks’ Management of Third-Party Provider Risks But Did Not Fully Document Sampling in Examination Workpapers AUD-2024-004 2024-03-28
DER Provided Effective Oversight of the Enterprises’ Nonbank Seller/Servicers Risk Management But Needs to Develop Policies and Procedures for Two Supervisory Activities AUD-2024-003 2024-03-28
FHFA Took Actions to Ensure That Fannie Mae Adequately Addressed Deficiencies in Its Business Resiliency Program EVL-2024-001 2024-03-25
FHFA Regularly Analyzed Agency Workforce Data and Assessed Trends in Hiring, Awards, And Promotions COM-2024-004 2024-03-14
FHFA Incorporated the FAR’s Whistleblower Protection Language for Contractor Employees in Selected Open Market Solicitations and Awards COM-2024-003 2024-02-08
FHFA Completed All Planned Ongoing Monitoring Activities for Fannie Mae and CSS During the 2022 Examination Cycle COM-2024-002 2024-01-10
DER Effectively Followed Its Risk-Based Approach in Its Oversight of Fannie Mae’s IT Investment Management AUD-2024-002 2023-11-07
FHFA Did Not Document Reviews of Desktop Appraisal Reports AUD-2024-001 2023-10-25
Deficiencies in FHFA’s Travel Program From April 1, 2022, Through March 31, 2023 Management Advisory OIG-2023-001 2023-09-28
Risk Assessment of FHFA’s Charge Card Programs April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023 OIG-RA-2023-001 2023-09-28
DBR Conducted Effective Oversight of FHLBanks’ Employee Expense Reimbursement Processes But Lacked Documented Examination Guidance AUD-2023-009 2023-09-28
FHFA Effectively Blocked Phishing Emails, But Requires Improvement in Managing Vulnerabilities on Its Public Websites AUD-2023-008 2023-09-27
DBR Adapted the Scope of Its Federal Home Loan Bank Supervisory Activities in 2023 in Response to Market Disruptions EVL-2023-004 2023-09-21
People Risk at FHFA’s Regulated Entities WPR-2023-003 2023-09-21
FHFA Performed Active Oversight and Made Efforts to Ensure Fannie Mae’s Compliance with Its Directions to Improve Audit Committee Operations COM-2023-007 2023-09-06
DER Implemented Controls to Ensure that the Enterprises and CSS Remediated Adverse Examination Findings Within FHFA Determined Reasonable Timeframes AUD-2023-007 2023-09-06
FHFA Did Not Effectively Implement Records Management Training Controls for Onboarding and Offboarding Personnel COM-2023-006 2023-08-23
Audit of the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Privacy Program Fiscal Year 2023 AUD-2023-006 2023-08-23