All OIG Reports

Corporate Governance: Fannie Mae Senior Executive Officers and Ethics Officials Again Failed to Follow Requirements for Disclosure and Resolution of Conflicts of Interest, Prompting the Need for FHFA Direction EVL-2021-001 2021-03-15
Compliance Review of DER's Assessments of Enterprise MRA Closure Packages COM-2021-004 2021-03-15
Audit of FHFA’s Design of Procedures and Guidance to Prevent and Reduce Improper Payments AUD-2021-003 2021-03-11
Update on Mortgage Insurers as Enterprise Counterparties WPR-2021-001 2021-03-08
Compliance Review of FHFA’s Quality Control Reviews of Enterprise Supervision Activities COM-2021-003 2021-02-12
After Four and a Half Years, DER Still Fails to Ensure that Enterprise Boards are Notified of Serious Deficiencies in a Timely Manner COM-2021-002 2021-01-21
Safe and Sound Operation of the Enterprises Cannot Be Assumed Because of Significant Shortcomings in FHFA’s Supervision Program for the Enterprises OIG-2017-003 2016-12-15
Compliance Review of FHFA’s Commitment to Conduct Independent Quality Control Reviews of DBR’s Community Investment Examinations COM-2021-001 2021-01-06
Audit of the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Information Security Program (Fiscal Year 2020) AUD-2021-001 2020-10-20
Audit of the Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of the Inspector General’s Information Security Program (Fiscal Year 2020) AUD-2021-002 2020-10-20
Summary of Administrative Inquiry: The Office of Inspector General’s Investigation into Whistleblower Reprisal Allegations Made by a Former Employee of a Contractor OIG-2020-006 2020-09-30
Weaknesses in FHFA’s Monitoring of the Enterprises’ 97% LTV Mortgage Programs May Hinder FHFA’s Ability to Timely Identify, Analyze, and Respond to Risks Related to Achieving the Programs’ Objectives AUD-2020-014 2020-09-29
FHFA Failed to Follow its Cloud-Based Computing Requirements when it Did Not Validate the Implementation of Minimum Security Requirements for Cloud-Based Tools and Did Not Include Required IT Security Provisions in Some of its Cloud Service Contracts AUD-2020-013 2020-09-17
Compliance Review of FHFA’s Commitments to Conduct Quality Control Review of Examination Conclusions Prior to Including Them in Reports of Examination COM-2020-007 2020-09-15
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Purchases of eMortgages WPR-2020-008 2020-09-14
More than Eight Years After Issuing its Advisory Bulletin, FHFA Has Not Held the Enterprises to its Expectations on Charging off Delinquent Loans or Communicated New Expectations EVL-2020-003 2020-09-10
FHFA Completed All of its Planned Ongoing Monitoring Activities for Freddie Mac for 2019 AUD-2020-012 2020-09-09
FHFA Completed Most of its Planned Ongoing Monitoring Activities for Fannie Mae and CSS for 2019; However, FHFA Failed to Follow its Requirements When it Changed Examination Plans for Non-Risk-Based Reasons and Failed to Obtain Deputy Director Approval AUD-2020-011 2020-09-09
Management Advisory: FHFA-OIG’s Investigation of Allegations of Fraud Affecting Paycheck Protection Program Loans Obtained or Sought from Federal Home Loan Bank Member Institutions OIG-2020-005 2020-09-08
DBR’s Examinations during the 2017 through 2019 Examination Cycles Generally Complied with its Guidelines, but Some Exceptions to those Guidelines Were Not Documented and/or Approved, and DBR’s Quality Control Branch Failed to Identify these Shortcomings AUD-2020-010 2020-09-03
Impact of Pandemic-Related Forbearance and Foreclosure Relief for Single-Family Mortgages on the Enterprises’ Implementation of CECL WPR-2020-007 2020-09-03
Enterprise Business Resiliency: Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis WPR-2020-006 2020-08-31
FHFA Examiners’ Lack of Assessment and Escalation of Shortcomings Identified by an Enterprise in its Servicer Fraud Risk Management Framework Limited the Agency’s Supervisory Oversight EVL-2020-002 2020-08-27
Freddie Mac Management Failed to Adopt and Implement Conflicts of Interest Policies Which Aligned Fully with FHFA’s Directive on Senior Executive Officers’ Conflicts of Interest, and With the Charter for the Freddie Mac Board’s Nominating and Governance C COM-2020-006 2020-08-26
Compliance Review of Fannie Mae's Conflicts of Interest Policies and Procedures Regarding its Senior Executive Officers COM-2020-005 2020-08-26